
LIVE Ticket Start!

NATARAJA 2ND Anniversary

The Ticket reservation of LIVE begins!!

The number of limited capacity becomes ten people by each schedule though days perform on a lot of the first this time.
Moreover, it is assumed that it is possible to see it up to 10 a person and gets it.

person who hopes for reservation,
Even NATARAJA STAFF [ nekosama Fall ] send IM, please.


4/09 22:30
4/10 22:00

4/14 23:00

4/15 23:00

4/16 23:00

4/17 22:00


A Japanese version is here


New SIM !


R.co Kontinent & NATARAJA Home STAGE moved to new SIM.

It is SIM enclosed by a beautiful sea.

It is given by a very gentle SIM owner, A new start was done.

***********NATARAJA New Home Stage*************

**********Cafe de Loop & Hana Hana Fufu**************

*************Sahara70 Resort ’07 Resort’**************


NATARAJA 2ND AnniversaryLive is held in April.

Hoping for seeing should reserve it.

Details are published in the blog later.